We receive a variety of questions here at UXBridge CellPhone Plus. Click any of the questions below to read the answer.
Most screen replacements can be completed within 30-45 minutes.
There is a service fee of $20 if the repair takes more than 20 minutes.
You may drop off your device with us for repair while you shop around or you are welcome to wait with us.
Yes, for a fee, we can create a secure back-up of your data, which we then reload back on to your device once the repair is complete.
For repairs, we accept major credit cards as well as Interac debit. We also have direct-bill business solutions.
We offer a limited lifetime warranty on most parts installed by our technicians. We conveniently keep a database of all of our repairs so that our customers can remain stress-free about keeping up with receipts.
You are welcome to bring us any parts you may need and we will happily install them for you. The price will vary depending on the amount of time said install may take.
The best way to check if your iPhone’s battery needs to be replaced is by going your settings and type in “battery health”. This will show you what your batteries charging capacity is in %. We always recommend replacing your iPhone’s battery if it is below 85%.
Yes. During our refurbishment process some components in these devices (mainly screens and batteries) are replaced if fallen below industry threshold using third party parts that go through a 34 point inspection by trained, professional technician . Due to proprietary licensing and software, that replacement, if not conducted using Apple parts will prompt an error message notification.
We offer parts replacements and diagnostics, customization, and unlocking for a wide range of smartphones, tablets, iPads, and computers. Feel free to call us. We would love to answer your questions.